About The Enchanted Company
As a fan of fairy tales since I was a little girl, of glitter and ribbons, I have always loved to organize surprise parties. When I became a mom, creating magical moments and seeing the stars shine in my children's eyes became an endless source of happiness.
After years in marketing in New York and London, and after the arrival of my thirdème baby, I wanted to create a business that would allow me to make those same stars shine in the eyes of my clients. The Enchanted Company was born.
Our mission
Sprinkle fairy dust on everyday life.
We give you a little help to create your own magical moments, with family and friends, because happiness is also made of enchanting memories.
Wishing you a life filled with magic and wonder,

Nous avons déjà aidé nos clients à organiser plus de 200 soirées pyjama et Picnic Parties depuis nos débuts. Votre gentillesse, vos encouragements et la joie de vos enfants et de vos amis sont tout simplement magnifiques et notre plus grande motivation.

Style and Elegance: My years in New York and London opened my eyes to new possibilities and made me passionate about beautiful materials. I pay a lot of attention to details and I choose each accessory with care. I am a "little bit" of a perfectionist...

Each year, The Enchanted Company makes a donation to a charity that works for the well-being of children. If you would like more information about this, please contact us.

"Thank you Nancy for your kindness, your availability and especially for your work that allowed us to make our daughter dream. Without your childlike spirit and your talent we would not have been able to offer her this birthday which I am sure will remain unforgettable."
"We were all enchanted, no pun intended, by your magnificent concept, your flawless service and your courtesy"
"I would like to thank you again. Thanks to your professionalism and attention to detail, I was able to give my daughter a birthday party that I didn't have time to prepare myself. Thank you again for all the details.''
"It was the best sleepover of my life!"